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during the first stages of my project i was inspired by the shapes that were formed in the images i took of the liver. I found a 'smiley face' sort of shape and I thought it would be suitable as the identifier for my hospital. I made a few developments some in the organic styles and some as a pixelated design. i then left my branding and continued to develop my design for the hospital and found that once my model was complete, this identifier no longer suited the brand.

looking at my model and the way the rods (string) wrapped around the orbs I thought that my identifier should be a circular and organic. I also wanted to incorporate the letter 'V' as I am naming my hospital Val after my grandad. the image on the left shows my thought process developing the identifier. I used a range of different materials like acrylic paint, gel pen, posca marker, white string, spray paint, charcoal and black pencil. there were various reasons that some developments were rejected. for example the large black one in the centre resembled the logo for 'V for Vendetta'. I personally found that the second one from the bottom left was my favourite, but I thought that the sharp corner didn't suit the design as my focus is on how curves interacts more positively with humans. to remedy this I rounded off that edge and was left with the one on the top right.
after selecting my identifier I went to illustrator and began creating vector designs of the logo and trialling different colour schemes to see which I found most appealing.

the colour combination I have selected is presented here. now that my colour scheme for the branding is finalised I have began to develop a responsive logo and created a secondary identifier to be used in other instances. after completing all my identifiers i have developed some products to be used in the hospital.

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